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[KIT] Why should you join KIZUNA Festival?

What is KIZUNA Festival?

Kizuna Festival is one of the events that proceed under the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Centre, so I would like you to know about the CJCC first. The Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center (CJCC) has been training and developing high-skilled human resources for Cambodia for over 10 years, there are three activities between Cambodia and Japan cooperation such as: Business preparation, the Japanese Career Development Language, and the exchange program for culture and education. They are funded by both the Government of Cambodia represented by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MOEYS) and the Government of Japan represented by the International Cooperation Agency of Japan (JICA) and the Japan Foundation. Moreover, CJCC is well known as a leading Japanese-language education institution and to become a center of culture for Cambodian and Japanese people, they had created seasonal events for every year like Japan-Cambodia Kizuna Festival, TanaBata Festival, Bon Odori Festival, and Harvest Moon Festival. To be in detail, I will choose Japan-Cambodia Kizuna Festival to identify how this event is going on, the benefit it brings to the community, and how it was promoted. The Japan-Cambodia Kizuna Festival is an annual event co-organized since 2012 by the Embassy of Japan, the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center and the Japan Foundation Asia Center with the goal of integrating Japan and Cambodia’s traditional and modern culture and fostering cultural exchange between people from both counties. In 2020, the event will take place from 20-23 February 2020 under the theme of “Power of Sports”. During the festival different cultural activities and exhibits will be arranged as follows:
– Modern and Traditional Performance of Japan and Cambodia
– Let’s try Origami, Calligraphy & Ikebana
– Let’s wear Yukata & Kben
– Japan-Cambodia Quiz Game
– Experiencing Tea Ceremony
– Workshop and Performance of Cheerleading
– Workshop on Para-sports
– Let’s taste Khmer-Japanese food & dessert by CJCC
– Experiencing Japanese & Khmer Martial Art
– Awa Odori Performance and Workshop
– Worldship Orchestra Concert with Angkor Youth Orchestra
– Japanese Kamishibai Performance
– Soltilo Futsal Game
– Udon Master Class by Marugame Udon
– Let’s Cosplay Kizuna by Narutail Guild
– Little Shadow Puppet Performance and Yike Performance
– Study-in-Japan Workshop & Corner
– Everyone can show arts workshop
– Workshop
– Exhibition
– Lectures
– Others
Besides these activities, since they’re worried about plastic impacts on our climate, they’re going to offer bamboo straws for everyone free. This offer runs from February 21 to 23, at 11:00AM-12:00PM and from 4:00PM-5:00PM. Moreover, at the side of CJCC building, they also have the beautiful romance Japanese garden by Fuji (wisteria) for visitors to take pictures with (Japan Cambodia Kizuna, 2020).

Benefits from the event

Since the Kizuna festival was created in 2012, it provides so many benefits to Cambodian people, especially undergraduate students because it has lots of activities for them to make communication with foreign students when they volunteer for the event. Not only students but also some investors come to join this community too because they have guest performances from Japan to perform in this festival. It seems like people can learn from each other by sharing their knowledge and work experience. Apart from this, visitors can join the different workshops that are presented by some professionals from inside and out.


In conclusion, The Kizuna Festival is one of the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center events. Then it gives a lot of opportunities for Cambodian people such as freshmen students and businessmen. Next, this festival was strongly supported by so many inside and outside organizations. In addition to this, I would like to recommend you to join this festival to have a great experience and get more communication with foreigners.

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