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[KIT] Why you should play Dota 2?

No matter who you are, a gamer or not, you probably of a game call Defense of the Ancient 2, which is known as Dota 2. Dota 2 has been released since 2013. It is one of the most complex video games in the world. The game is team based and each teams has five players. Both teams will need to destroy other base in order to win the game. Even the game is very complex, this article is going to show you why you should play Dota 2.

To begin with, Dota 2 is very fun especially if you play with your friends. This divide each team into 5 different roles. You can play as the team carry (play in the safe lane), mid laner (play alone at mid), off laner (also can be called as initiator), junglier (play in the jungle) and support (play with the carry). All these roles are very important and if one role were to fail to do their job, you might lose the game. Generally, safe laner usually face with the other team off laner. Off laner is usually a tanky hero that is why there is a support to help the off laner. Off laner also has their support but the support can be junglier as well. The mid laner will face another mid laner and it will be a one on one fight. However, rotation of other heroes to mid lane can help the mid laner big time. Playing this game with your friends is very fun because you can get to do combination of heroes skills, communicate in flanking and attacking the enemy, doing bait to reach certain objective and many more. The feeling of accomplishment of doing all of these is so satisfying.

Furthermore, the mechanism of the game can be very challenging and fun to use. There are many mechanism in the game that you can use to your advantage. For example, there is this mechanism which is called “High ground” means that the ground level of your hero is higher than the enemy. When this happens, if the enemy hero is a range hero, he or she can not attack most of the time because the shot will be missed. This mechanism is very easy to use and can be very fun. Abusing the mechanism is sometime very hard to use and can be very complex. An example of a hard mechanism is there is this hero that can use ten skills, however you can only have three skills on hand. You need to learn which skills you actually need in different situation. Reading the situation is very important for this case that is why the hero is consider as one of the complex hero. Mastering these mechanism can be challenging but you will never get used to the fun of mastering these skills.

In conclusion, Dota 2 is a great game to get into. The game even has a tournament that has a prize pool of more than 30 millions dollars. Even though the game is hard but it is also rewarding when you master it.

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