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[KIT]4 Things To Do When You’re Bored

Covid 19 pandemic has been affected our daily life, people need to keep distancing from each other, we all seem to stay home, wear a mask and stay protected. Everything has moved to the digital platforms even studying, meeting, and even work from home. Staying home is good because we could protect ourselves from Covid 19 but it is so boring if you feel you are living alone and nothing you can do to make yourself feel better. Life always has ups and downs, it can’t be straightly bad, or straightly good. However, there have been having a boring time and a happy time. But the question is What should we do when we are bored

  1. Watching Netflix

Netflix is a platform where it stores a million movies and TV series in there. All we should do just create a Netflix account, and you can share it with your friends since one account has 5 users. It is a good service that provides us a good user experience. With Netflix, you can enjoy your favorite without worrying about your lacking internet connection. Watching movies would transport you to the new world also you will get introduced to new people and you might imagine yourself hanging out with a group of friends. It will help you feel better.

  1. Make Your Own Meal

Cooking tests your patient level, it will make you proactive and creative. Once you start doing it, you will forget all the bad things around you, in your mind, you only focus on your cooking. You will put your effort into it because you want to get a good result. Once you have done with it, you will feel satisfied with what you have done, you will be happy and serve your food calmly. It is not only helping you to get through boring feeling but it will teach you to learn a new skill and make the food for your beloved people to serve too.

  1. Painting

Painting is such an activity that could clear your mind and give you such a great imagination. In order to paint you dun need to be an expert on drawing, you just need the tool and the internet connection because you might need some help from the Youtube tutorial. You need to train it more than thrice or fourth so that you can understand the painting concept and you will get addicted to it because you get your own idea on how to paint beautifully, you want to create your own imagination and all your sadness will be gone since your mind is full of creativity.

  1. Learning Musical Instruments

Music can’t speak but it makes you feel better. Listening to music might get your feeling to stay calm and healthy. When you stay you also can learn to play guitar or violin or other instruments music as you want. All you need just the musical instruments and watching youtube tutorials. If you keep training it, only 2 weeks or a month you will see your own result and you might be satisfied with your commitment.

Hope you get your feeling better. Good luck!!!

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