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[KIT]How to become a good programmer?

As we know that being a good programmer is not easy because it requires a lot of skill to fulfill it. The very first step is to remind yourself how much you can learn. In this first step in learning something is recognizing that you don’t know it. That sounds strange, but most experienced programmers remember how long it took to overcome this personal assumption. Most computer science students graduate with an arrogance and they certainly know that they know everything and the intense need to prove it to every new work colleague. In order words we can say that I know what I am doing and that attitude can get in the way of learning anything new.

Secondly, you have to practice everyday. Since, you already know how to code, you do not have to pass it away and start something new and that way is not going to work if you really want to become a good professional programmer. If you really know some part you have to do practice it everyday at least two or three hours per day. When you keep doing this everyday, you will notice yourself that your ability will change from time to time especially when you will know deep down one particular programming language that you really want to learn and use it for your career path. Furthermore, when you already know it, you still have to practice it everyday everytime because keeping practice can make you better.

Thirdly, you have to keep learning. Being a good programmer not only only knows one programming language is enough, you have to learn the new technology that exists in the latest version. When you know clearly about more than four programming languages, you can easily find a job in a big company by putting your skill in your CVs. On the other hand, programming is an open source, so you can find many available sources on the Internet and download it and start to learn. If you are stuck with some problem, there are also multiple solutions free on the internet such as stackoverflow, Youtube and many more that you can do for free.

Then, the most effective way to become a good programmer is to learn more by helping others. Most of you have a common tendency of turning our heads towards forums or groups only when we need help. When you help others you can also upgrade your skill to another level because when you share something in commons with others, they will stuck in some parts of programming, and they take all those problem to ask help from you then if you know the solution of that problem, you can upgrade your skill by deliver your knowledge to them and it is not easy to forget. In some cases you do not know the problems, you can do research to find a solution to the problem and it can develop one part of your knowledge and also you know how to explain and deliver your idea to others to understand the problem.

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