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[KIT]How to Create Meme?

1.Doing Research

Group Of People Doing Research Stock Photo 45322542 - Megapixl
Source: https://images.megapixl.com/4532/45322542.jpg

Know your memes: It’s a good idea to look at memes that have gone viral already, especially the latest ones. These can provide inspiration maybe there’s a certain meme theme that’s popular at the moment, for instance, or tell you if somebody’s already tried your idea. The best resource for catching up with the latest memes and trends is Know Your Meme a website dedicated to keeping track of any and every meme you come across.

2. Compose your content

Meetup with RethinkDB, Meteor & Compose - Compose Articles
Source: https://res.cloudinary.com/dyyck73ly/image/upload/s3/Mar/compose-logo-stacked-black_htgbqp_peyzzf.png

Collect your materials  Before going any further, this is the point where you decide if you’re going to come up with your own stuff or recycle things you’ve found online. If you’re doing a photo meme and you want to use existing content, grab the appropriate screens from the videos you want to use. You can also surf the web for images you’d like to use as pegs, or hit up Imgur’s meme generators.

Keep it short and simple Keep in mind that the attention span of the typical internet user is pretty short, so you want to make an immediate impression. Come up with a catchphrase that uses simple and memorable language.

Find the right expression to convey Make sure your visuals match the sentiment you’re trying to portray.

3. Find the necessary tools

System Software Tools | Different Application and tools
Source: https://cdn.educba.com/academy/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/System-Software-Tools.jpg

If you’re creating a photo meme, it might be wise to get Photoshop. You can also lookup meme-generator sites, which let you upload your own photo to use as the background. Lastly, you can install photo apps directly on your phone that allows you to add text to your images.

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