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[KIT]How to good at speaking in front of the camera

If you’re a person who born with the talent to speak and act in front of others. It will be easy for you to speak in front of the camera and let them shoot a video while you’re speaking. But what if you’re a person who knows nothing about speaking or acting in front of the camera and you want to do so. This article may help you and give you some clues to be good at speaking in front of a camera.

Confidence is everything

Not only shooting for a speaking video but every work you’ll do, you have to do it with confidence. Speaking for a video shoot is for the audience to watch your video so make sure that you’re brave enough to convey your speech or message to the audience. Even though you remember everything in your script but if you come out to be so weak and shy, your video quality will be low also. To build confidence, you have to practice and make sure to leave your comfort zone by finding new people to talk with and tell them to judge your speech as well. Be open to criticism and improve it from feedback. Also if you love it, make you’ll never give up. Just go on.

Know what to talk not just remember everything

The speaker needs to understand clearly their topic and know what they going to talk about. Some people try very hard to remember the script and say every single word in the video other than understanding the flow that they going to talk about the topic. When you know what to talk about You just need to remember the key points of the speech and then you have to express your idea about the point to be more detailed.

Reading Listening Speaking

To become a good speaker you have to read as many books as you can. Reading books can give you many ideas to talk about when you’re struggling. Aside from reading a good speaker have to be good at listening too because you have caught up with what people are saying and then you can have an idea to talk for your speech as well. Last is speaking, not only speak when you are in front of the camera or on the stage but speak when it’s important to speak or speak when you need to practice.

 Do not afraid to make mistakes

Speaking in front of the camera is okay if you’re going to make mistake because we can shoot the video again or cut the wrong scene out. But please do not always make mistakes again and again. Because the director or cameraman may feel bored or blame you for being like this every time. Tips for this point is you need to practice before shooting the video and make sure that you’re ready for the shoot. On the shooting day don’t feel that you have to be perfect and worry about you will make the mistake. Instead, you have to be yourself and go with the best that you can do.

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