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[KIT]How to Improve reading

To help students improve their reading, they need to follow these steps:

Find the book they want
It means that if they can find their favorite book, they will love to read it and pay attention to reading this is the first step that can help them to improve reading.

Read oud
It can help many students gain a better understanding of what they are reading than they can get while reading in their head.

Turn article header
Your child can use titles to understand what the reader is reading and the main points before he or she begins to read.

Re-read confusing sections
Reviewing confusing sections for your child (or who needs a quick update) can help your child get a complete picture of what they are learning.

Use lines or fingers to follow
If your child has trouble keeping their place while reading, use a ruler or finger to make it easier to follow.

Write words you do not know
As your child makes his or her way through reading material, have him or her write words that are unfamiliar to him or her.

Discuss what your child has just read
When your child has finished reading, talk about what he or she just read together. Ask your child what he learned and his thoughts.

Summary and summary of key points
When discussing material with your child, ask him to outline and summarize the main points, and tell your child to explain what has learned through his words can help your child understand what he is reading.

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