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[KIT]How to improve your reading

Source image: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/child-i-am-a-student-book-figure-3326960/

Make sure you understand the type of article you are reading

Ask yourself: What kind of article am I reading? Or is it creative / artistic, like a novel or a short story? For example, if you are reading a tutorial (such as a recipe or assembly guide), you need to understand the true meaning of each step.

Decide on the purpose of your reading

Why the reader influences the way you read. For example, reading a novel for a lesson can be different from reading a novel for fun, and you will have to memorize a novel for fun because you enjoy reading it. Another novel.

Scan your reading before you start

Whatever the purpose of your reading, take a few minutes to find useful points. Examine and see how the book is organized and presented. Here are some simple ways to increase your awareness.

  • Does the book have a title?
  • Is the book divided into separate sections?
  • Does the book contain “additions” such as keywords, illustrations, or graphics?

For my experiences:

When I was in high school, I used to be a student who hate reading because my weakness is reading. I also hate a book that did not have a image. And that is the reason, I hate reading. I never finish reading one book in high school because I though, it was useless. Until one day, I realized it was very helpful for my career and my university life so I decided to practice my reading skill.

First: When I are reading something, I have to make sure I understand what you are reading otherwise it will be useless. Try to find something you like to like or something you are feel interested in it.

Second: Before I read something, I have to know the purpose like it will appear in exam so I have to read this or something that help me in the future otherwise I will forget it and waste my time.

Third: If I are reading a book, make sure that you know that very book otherwise I will have a difficult time to read it. Example: if I was high school student and I was reading a book of AI(Artificial intelligence ) so I will blow my mind in five minutes. To avoid this issue, I have to know who write this book then the title and what is the meaning of this book? If I know how to question this question and I found it was good for me, I will read it in no time.

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