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[KIT]How to know if someone likes you

Photp by: https://picjumbo.com/free-stock-photos/love/

Have you ever felt that you are being watched by someone? Do you wonder why someone treat you differently from others? You think that he or she secretly likes you and it turns out that they are just being nice to you not more than that and then you feel just like a dump? To avoid this, here are some points to notice: is someone really like you more than a friend?


Eyes speak more than words. We can lie by words but we can hide by our eyes. Normally if she or he likes you they will look at you secretly and turn to look at somethings else if you catch them. They will avoid eye contact with you because they will smile when they see your eyes.

2.Remember your birthday

Birthday is an important day for everyone. Normally people will remember it for only their special person. If he or she remembers your birthday without the help of Facebook, trust me they are really in love with you.

3. Never say no to your request

When someone likes you he or she will try to satisfy your feeling that why they will remember every small detail about you. If you ask them to do something they will do even if they hate it.

4. Talk to you

When someone likes you they will always want to see and talk to you even they do not have anything to say they still find a reason to meet you.

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