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[KIT]How to overcome low self esteem ?

Everyone will always have that one thing that they are insecure about, whether it is their beauty, their body features, or their wealth. Sometimes these insecurities are easy to overcome by some people, but for some people it is difficult. More than that some people who have low self esteem will think that there is something wrong with them, even though there is not. That is a sign of low self esteem, and it can be harmful to people in every aspect from the way they think to the way that they make decisions, basically what they are doing to their body. It’s not easy to like every part of the way you look, but being negative all the time can really bring down your self-esteem. However, having low self esteem, doesn’t mean you cannot do anything about it, as long as you believe that deep down you can make changes no matter if it will be a quick or a slow process, you will persevere, and here are some tips on how you can get those processes going. 

  • Start having good thought about yourself: 

Instead of thinking about bad things about yourself all the time replace it with some good thought that you had on yourself. You can do it by writing down or thinking about things that you can do to give yourself some value,when you are feeling down or when you feel like you are not good enough. 

  • Provide yourself with selfcare: 

Eating well and exercising boosts endorphins, the body’s natural opiates, which make you feel good on the inside and stimulate a more positive mood.

Exercising will relieve you from some stress that is straining you mentally and physically. You can walk around town or block to see the world happening around you, as a new experience while being a good reminder that there are too many people and things happening in this world so the small mistake or your small flaws won’t make people judge you. 

  • Set goal or challenges for yourself: 

Take the time every day to think about what you’d like to achieve. Then set yourself realistic goals for each day and keep track of your progress by writing down all your accomplishments.

This can be as simple as finishing off a piece of work or tidying up (and we all know how challenging this can be!)You’ll feel an enormous sense of accomplishment when you’ve ticked off everything on your list for the day.The trick is to not get bogged down by the list; some days you won’t manage to get it all done and that’s OK too! We all have off days, maybe make a shorter list for the next day and see how you get on?

  • Accept yourself: 

Nobody is flawless. We’ve all got challenges and we’ve all got flaws. Learn to embrace and enjoy your ‘flaws’ or imperfections, because they are what make you special. So, work it sweetheart! The secret to feeling positive is self-acceptance. Simply say ‘thanks’ when people pay you compliments, rather than brushing them aside or answering them with a negative.

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