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[KIT]How to protect your white Sneakers from dirt

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White sneakers are very good-looking and well suited for any situation, but protecting them from dirt is a very challenging task we all should bear. Scuffs, grass stains, and ice cream dribbles are just a few threats to your white kicks. Of course, the only way to keep it from dirt is not to wear it but there’s no point in buying it without using it. Instead as sneakers lovers, we should find a way to clean our sneakers and make them look fresh. Here are some tips you can perform if you care about your sneakers:

Clean it regularly

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The most efficient tip is to regularly clean it after each business day. It’s easy to clean the new dirt on the shoe, you can simply clean it with pure water. You can use a soft toothbrush soaked with water and gently clean it on the surface. It also depends on the fabric of the sneakers, but most of the time soft toothbrush is fabric friendly so it’d be fine to use.

Use sneaker protectant

If you’re willing to spend a hundred dollars on a pair of shoes, you shouldn’t hesitate to buy a foam clean product as well. Long-term dirt is very hard to remove, that’s why we need some sort of cleaning product to get the work done. First, we need to soak the sneakers with water or you can just use the soaked fabric to wipe on the dirty areas. Second, apply the foam to the area you want to clean and brush it gently and leave it for 15 minutes. Finally, rewash it with water and hang it. After cleaning you’ll see the magical thing happen.

Baking Soda

When it comes to DIY there’s always a great deal to save some money. Cleaning your sneakers with baking soda proves to be fine and some say that it’s even effective than some cleaning products. The tips to perform is fairly easy. In a small non-metal bowl or measuring cup, add 1 tablespoon baking soda, ½ tablespoon hydrogen peroxide (omit if you do not have it), ½ tablespoon warm water (double to 1 tablespoon if you don’t add peroxide) mix until the solution is formed. Next, use a scrub brush or old toothbrush dip into the mixed baking soda, and apply directly to the dirty area. Brush it in a gentle motion and let the baking soda solution dry on the shoes for at least 30 minutes. Once it is dried, clean it with pure water or use soak fabric to wipe on the area. Keep in mind that we’re free to repeat it at the same steps if the dirt is not completely removed.

Machine Washing

If you’re lazy from hand washing, then using a machine would be helpful. Be aware that your shoe’s form might be ruined by the machine. It’s a very simple step because we’re all know how to use the machine. But still, you need some tips to get things done smoothly. First, separate the shoes with their lace, set the washing machine on a gentle cycle with cold water. Second, use a gentle detergent with the amount of its cap, but don’t put it yet until the machine filled with half of the water. Finally, air dry when the laundry is finished.

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