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[KIT]How to stop being late

Source image:https://www.wfms.com/2019/02/05/a-few-ways-to-stop-being-late-all-the-time/

Do not explain why you are late

When you are late, do not find the cause and learn from the mistake. Instead of focusing on the cause, apologize for the effects of your delay. That’s the decent thing to do.

Delete something from your schedule

Once a day or once a week, depending on your severity, do not fill that time with anything else. When you have free time, use it to prepare for your next appointment.

Calculate how much your delay is worth

If you get paid every hour, think about how much you earn when you arrive late. If you spend on more expensive vehicles, calculate the difference in costs. Years on tardiness.

Plan what you will do on your phone

While you wait for someone else to show up, that’s free time when you are allowed to do something like play a game or watch YouTube without making a mistake.

Set alarms multiple times

Waking up is difficult, but to reach your goal, you must make it your habit to set alarms for one bath, one for dressing, and one for walking out the door.

For my experience:

When I was in high school, I came to school late every day because I always have a reasons but I realized that in the future, if I go to work late everyday and I also have a reasons like in the present. Does the company still keep me for being late everyday? Is it a good behavior for my career? So, I designed to change.

First: I have to take responsible for being late and stop explaining about self problem like traffic jam or I like far from school or I have to work until this hour so I can come to school.

Second: I have to stop doing something that is not important in the rush hours. And it helps me a lot. I can walk to school without running and I do not need to find a reason for being late also.

Third: I also think twice about come to school early. This also give me some advantages for come to school early. Example: I can play football with my friend, copy with homework.

Fourth: If I come to school too early, I don’t really worry about it. Because I also have a mobile phone at that time so I can play some game with my phone until my friend arrived.

Fifth: In the morning, I always set alarm two to three times. Sometimes I also told my parents to wake me up at 7:00am because I do not truth my phone’s alarm and myself.

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