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[KIT]How To Survive in Adult Age?

People cycle is from born to die. So, people change their status from young to old. This means from young to old, they had been through the age call adult. Mostly adult is the age that people get to know the world more than young. Being an adult is not easy to go through too many things will happen during that time. Even happy time, sweet time, also a sad time, pain and stress. Adult ages have to go through all of these. If they feel hard to go they might have negative thinking or depression force them to commit suicide that might end their adult age. So, from my experience, I can share with you some tips to escape from pain or hard time during adult age.

First, you have to make a strong connection with your family. Why did I say that as the first point? Just because we all have a family and they must be your first prioritize to be with when you feel unwell or sad. As a family, they will take care of you, and sometimes if you have a close connection, you can share your bad thing with them and they will help you fight back that thing together. For some people that have no family to rely on, I am sorry to say it but I hope this can help you. You should be strong to be a family of yourself. You can survive until adult age, that why you can’t go on. You must do a challenge to your life and make yourself happy and smile at those problems, while doing it, you should think about how to solve it in the best way that no affect other people.

Second, don’t trust too much. At this age, there are fewer permanent friends to be with you. You should not put all your trust in your friends. They might be good today but tomorrow they can be another. I experienced already broken friendships. It kind of hard to accept but this is what I count as an experience. It likes we plan for many things to do with each other in the future then there is nothing happen and we had a huge misunderstanding. I can say that I am right or wrong but this is the most unhappy thing that I don’t want to face in the future. In this point, let say that trust no one is the best to make you happy the most for this age. If you grow older, you should know who can be trusted and who can’t be. 

Third, trust yourself. Cheering up yourself, encourage yourself. Some adults will not be close to family anymore because they might have their own secret that can’t be told or spoken out. Although friends are not a good choice to share secrets, you should have a notebook to write your problems. From my experience, I create a fake account on many social media to get a lot of media friends. When I face a problem, I have to post my problems. Then those social media friends will help me out of those bad situations. Sometimes I feel being a fake account and saying your true feeling is better than sharing with someone you know.

Forth, should explore more. What is your favorite and find your passion, are the great thing you should do at this age? Drawing your future and making the ways for tomorrow are important. You can’t just ignore your future. You are living for the new day not just for today.

All in all, these 4 tips that I’ve mentioned above were important to living your adult life happy and with fewer issues. Kindly follow some of my tips above you will get the right way for your future.

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