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[KIT]Why you should get a gaming PC rather than console?

Looking to get into gaming? Stuck between choosing console and pc? Want to make the right choice? This article is going to show you why pc is the best gaming platform compare to the console.

To begin with, pc is way more powerful than the console that is if you build it correctly. Computer power can be 10 times stronger than console. The new consoles which are the PS5 and the Xbox Series X, are currently the most powerful consoles in the world. Both the console can run at 4K resolution with more than 100 frames per second but videogames companies that cooperate with console have to downgrade the game graphic to meet these performance causing pc gaming to look way better than console comparing in the same settings. Even though this features are great for both casual gaming and competitive and the price is also cheaper than pc, the current pc that has RTX 3090 GPU can run any game up to 8K resolution while still maintain a playable framerates. Consoles power can never reach to pc level because of the limited space.

Furthermore, consoles can sometimes be more expensive than pc. When you are buying a console, you need to also get a good TV that can support the console too. If you were to maximize your console power, you would need a 4k TVs that can run more than 100 frames per second. These TVs can cost more than 3000 dollars which you can use to buy a set of pc and can still play at 4K resolution with more than 100 fps. Consoles sometimes also require you to spend extra money on their accessories for special features like Virtual Reality device or customize controllers. In addition, console games are very expensive. They can cost more than 60 dollars which is a lot more expensive than most pc games.

Lastly, pc is more customizable and scalable. When you are buying a pc, you can choose whatever component you want. There are wide range of personal computers components and those particular component has many options as well. For example, if you were to build a pc, you need to pick a CPU, motherboard, GPU if you plan for gaming or editing, ram, storage, the computer case and the power supply. All of these components comes in many options ranging from the budget value to mid tier than to high end. You can choose all these components according to your needs. If your pc is outdated, you can just replace components and the pc will be up to date again. For outdate gaming pc, most of the time you just need to replace the GPU and CPU then you are good to go. If a console is outdate, you can’t upgrade any of its components and you will have to buy a new one.

In conclusion, pc is a lot better for gaming than console. With pc components are always more powerful than console and it is cheaper to upgrade it, pc is the way to go for gaming.

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