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[KIT]Your quality of life will be better if you do these things

Have you ever wondered why you always have a bad mood waking up in the morning, or have you ever felt like your energy is always drained out and life always seems to be miserable for you since you always think that your quality of life is not improving, but staying at a plateau?  Well maybe there must be some things in your life you need to change to improve your life overall quality, sometimes it could start with a small gesture from changing your habit or daily routine to help you move on to  making big changes such as investing or starting a business that will be life changing for you. Therefore these are things you can do to improve your life quality.

  • Start getting enough sleeps :

For those who always been hardcore toward your work and always neglecting sleeps should listen to this. Your energy is always drained and your productivity is always dead low because you haven’t let your body and brain have enough rest for it to cooldown from all the strain you have been putting it through. We know that your work is really important to help you achieve success, but it would be a shame if you cannot enjoy your success due to your mental and physical health ruining the pleasure of your success . So it is a must that you should have enough sleep or at least 7 hours before you keep on going. 

  •  Start appreciating what you have right now 

Most people think their life is really miserable due to them not having enough, and they think that if they get this car or this house or this person to be their soulmate they will have a happy life, but it would turn out their desire meets no end, and they would keep going working hard with a care that what they do would harm anyone or themselves, and their life is even more miserable because they can never be satisfied. Hence it would be the best things in everyone’s life if they could just take time to appreciate what they have at a mean time, then they would need less of all that fancy extra stuff that won’t fill in your miserable void. 

  • Improve your self esteem

It doesn’t harm anyone or you to either have some self care or be a little bit more confident toward yourself, believing in yourself that you can do something will make you see the world from a bright side, and would make life seem to be worth living and your life has value to yourself and others. Moreover if there are some flaws that you have, you won’t feel bad and think that you are not good enough, since you are happy with your imperfection and that’s what will develop your quality of life for accepting your imperfection.

To sum up all the points that lead to this moment is that, if life is hard for you then it’s ok for you to take breaks and rest to look after your health, while also feeling grateful toward the things that you have earned so far. 

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