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[KIT] The benefits of using Book VRL/ Virtual Rental Book

Book VRL is the website created for allowing the readers to borrow or lend the books through our website to read with high security and availability.  It also allows the reader to have the opportunity to share their knowledge with the other readers in a different mindset as together they also are able to get the knowledge from them as well.

3 benefits of using our service — Book VRL
Source of books for bookworms

1.Source of books for bookworms

As you can see, society nowadays had many people who lacked knowledge and the economy to support their life. Even though they are passionate to learn new things, they will not be able to achieve it and sometimes they are forced to drop out of school to support their family. By using our service, the users just spent a small amount of money on the website fee and they can borrow the book to read as their own library with full resources without spending a huge amount of money just to buy our one favorite topic.

2.Giving the opportunity to the reader to share and gain the knowledge in our community

Mostly, when you want to listen or learn something new, you have to spend money to buy the course or ticket to study with people who are good background and high knowledge. Sometimes, after finishing the course, you felt like you were getting nothing and just spent the money and time. However, Book VRL/ Virtual Rental Book can help to discuss or debut your idea in our club and we also have the consultant to support the readers to communicate or exchange ideas well. One more thing, our website was open investor and aim, we will connect with famous people to give hand and share their experiences and knowledge to the readers in the purpose of volunteering in helping the people who are also in need but do not have the same opportunity as them.

3. Easy to find the supporters

As I mentioned before, our service is open to finding the investors and aim. We provide the feature to the users who are able to share with other people by having the function of donating the books or money to buy the books. Moreover, we also have the option of charity by creating the event read for charity to raise the fund to support the readers, to make sure they can read under no circumstances.  Furthermore, we also collect innovative ideas from the readers’ side to challenge themself to use their knowledge in order to support themself. 

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