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[KIT]Top 5 hongkong drama

This days, is southeast asia Hongkong movie really good and most people enjoy watching hongkong movie especially the drama movie that talk about the police life and also the life of the people in hongkong in hongkong movie there many useful idea that we can get from it because most of the drama and also movie they really focus on life and we can know and practice from day by days life. So today this article will tell you the most best hongkong movie from the past and also in the recently.

1.The Academy is a TVB modern drama series broadcast in June 2005. The series follows the lives of a group of new Hong Kong Police recruits as they proceed through training at the Hong Kong Police training school. And in that movie their are good advantages and i really enjoy the action of this movie and it feel like we want to learn how to be police and want to have the training too. And in this movie it tell how the hard of police have been train and how risky to be a police.

Image result for he Academy hong kong drama
owner: Asian drama

2. Line walker: Line walker is the hongkong movie which is focus on how life of the people who are the police and then become a gang in the hongkong city and it also how life in the citizen live and how the hongkong is develop.

Image result for Line walker: hong kong drama
Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=Line+walker%3A+hong+kong+drama&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi1zJCA5OXuAhWOPysKHW9UAT4Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=Line+walker%3A+hong+kong+drama&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIGCAAQCBAeMgYIABAIEB5Q8aoGWPGqBmCesgZoAHAAeACAAVCIAVCSAQExmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=-DQnYLXwG47_rAHvqIXwAw#imgrc=QECXTuL6hISwcM
owner:Drama for Real

3. Tinfy: God of Gamblers II: This movie really popular in Hongkong and also in southeast asia especially in cambodia. And this movie they talk about the life of gambler which is if we have something specialist we need to help back to the people or the people that needs also in this movie i can see it also have comedy inside which is really enjoy and in this movie.

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_of_Gamblers_II
owner: wikipedia

4.Journey to the west: This Hongkong movie also really good it have shown many place and alot of magic from the people look like monkey and pig. And also in the journey there are 4 human that have some specialist skill and magic that protect 1 monk to the journey to the west and also to help people is china.

Image result for Journey to the west:
owner: wekipedia

5.Triumph in the skies: also the best hongkong drama in 2003 it talk about the group of people who want to know how to flies the airplane and it took them to the airport and ready to have a fly training course with the pilot. and in this movie there are also tell us about the life of flight attendance and the pilot how they survive and how risky they are

owner: wikipedia

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