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[KIT] Top famous programming languages for the future.

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  1. JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the top programming languages ever used in the world. The reason behind this success is that JavaScript has been used in almost every part of the technology, JavaScript community is so big that you could find any answer to every question that you want to ask about this beautiful language. Imagine that you could easily become a full stack developer with just only the knowledge of JavaScript. For backend technologies you could use frameworks such as Nodejs, express. For frontend technologies you can use angular, Vue JS, and React JS and electron for desktop cross platform application.

Level require: Easy

used : Frontend, Backend, Desktop application

Estimate salary per year: $82,000

2. Python 

Python is also one of the most famous programming languages to study or get start and it is so popular that it used to teach in must of the universities all around the world as a basic understanding of programming. Python could be used in many different fields such as web development, backend development, coding competitive programming and last but not least it is heavily used in artificial intelligence also known as AI.

Level require: Easy

used : Web, Backend, Desktop application, Artificial intelligence

Estimate salary per year: $77,362

3. Dart ( Flutter )

Dart is a modern language that was created by Google. However, this language has only became so publicly available and widely used only after the Google itself release another framework that builds on Dart which is known as Flutter. Since flutter became available for everyone and its stable version release, it helped a lot of business running applications cost very little. Flutter is a very good game changing framework that is based on Dart that allows dart users to build a very good looking user interface and user experience that runs cross platform ( build one and run everywhere ). 

Level require: Intermediate

used : Android, ios, web

Estimate salary per year: $87,512

4. Java

Java is one of the old languages and also heavily used in a lot of enterprise companies especially the banking system because of its highly security language that comes out of the box. This language can be used to build a lot of things that you could ever imagine. For example it is used for embedded systems like IOT.  Java could be used to build desktop applications and moreover we can use java to build a good 2D game and also mobile applications, Java also know best for it speed so it also been used in side competitive programming as well  

Level require: Intermediate

used : Android, ios, web

Estimate salary per year: $87,512

5. Swift 

Swift is a fresh new language that build by apple developer team to use it to build application for their own platform. If you ever want to be an iOS developer you must consider to learn this shiny language because this language is fast growing and it really fast in speed compared to other cross platform languages like Dart or JavaScript . It could really have you get a very good paying job out there because of it demanding.

Level require: Intermediate

used : macOS, ios Application 

Estimate salary per year: $104,000

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