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[KIT] Why buying books, YOU can just BORROW them

Buying new books is so satisfying to the point that you won’t realize that your pocket is now empty. To book admirers, spending money on them is not actually a problem, but for those who has tight budget, it is a big deal. So, what should they do? because they also want to read all those books as well. That’s a sad story to be told.
YES! Now we have BookVRL to help you address this problem.
BookVRL is a platform where book lovers can rent their favourite books when the books are not available for sale in the market anymore. Moreover, the people who have all those books in their possession can also lend them to the borrowers, where they can earn money.
Our service was found by a group of student who are enthusiastic about reading. The service was established in early 2020 to find books for those who do not want to pay for the book, but just to read it with reasonable price.

With our service you can borrow books you want to read by paying in a very affordable price, all you have to do is take care of those books and return them back after finishing reading, sound easy, right? Of course, it is.
Please continue reading this article to know how to register the membership and the advantages of using our service.

How To Register?

It’s so simple to become one of our users. First of all, you have to create an account on our official website, where you can access and comment on posts that our users have published about book related topics. But, wait you are not there yet. Becoming a user, you can’t borrow or lend any book yet.
In the next step, you have to verify that you are trustworthy to both our service and other users by filling our some information about your ID card/ Passport number, Address, 2 photos (one selfie, one selfie with your ID), so that we can ensure that when you borrow a book from others, you won’t cheat and will not return it back. Second, fill out your PayPal account, so that we can transfer the profit to the lenders, likewise, charge you in an moderate amount of money on how many book you borrow.

How much for a Book?

With our service, we charge 15% of the original cost of the book borrowed from the borrowers, where 10% will go to the lenders. 5% will be kept by us to make sure that we can compensate our users if there would be some unpredictable incidents happen during the delivery process, but don’t be concerned, they are not going to happen with us BookVRL with you.
The Delivery service will charge based on your location, and we are sorry for this as our service also use the delivery service provided by other companies, but if you would like to decrease the cost of delivery, you may borrow multiple books at the same time, enjoy reading and spend less, sound amazing, right?

For example, if a book cost $10, you will be charged $1.5 plus delivery fee.

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