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[KIT] Why the Mentor for students will help the students?

The Mentor is one of the virtual companies in Kirirom Institute of Technology, which provides useful information for high school students to collect the data before choosing the university to study with. So how can they help the students to reach their goals?

1. Education platform

The Mentor created the website in order to help the education sector by providing the opportunity for students either in the country or countryside to learn or define themself which is the most favorite skill they like and want to enroll. Moreover, they also help students to avoid the cheating environment in the city since the students may fall into the trap and choose to make the wrong decision based on their family situation, friends and etc. Mostly, students were not aware and admitted that they were in a hard situation. When someone tried to get them into their block, if they did not have the critical thinking or were good at speaking, they must have enrolled in a place that they never ever return. It is a waste of time and money for them to just do experiments of the silly experiences in the city.

2. Many in one website

We can say that the Mentor is the education platform, which is full of necessary information of each university around Cambodia. As a result, students can go through this platform, register, and find what they want to know about the students’ fees, academies, scholarships and etc on the website. The Mentor consumed time for students to research each university with high believable and clear resources.

3. Guidelines of scholarship

Most graduated students from high school did not know much about the scholarship of the skill they wanted to learn. Some information wasn’t available to use as a reference to get the scholarship. Fortunately, the Mentor solved this problem. They guided the students to choose the right university depending on their favorites. Then, they also provide the scholarship resources relative to the skill they are studying. What do they need to prepare? What do they have to do to reach the requirement of the scholarship? It is really important for students to know beforehand the requirement of the scholarship since they might fail to catch the chance if they did not know it or knew it later.

If you are really interested in the Mentor, you can go and check their website or Facebook page or direct contact with them to gain more information. You should choose something secure and believable for you rather than falling into someone’s trap unconsciously.

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