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In case you missed it: AWAC Seminar Saturday May 23rd 2015


Another beautiful weekend in Singapore, another successful Associate Web Analytics Consultant (AWAC) seminar. With 10 attendees, our presence in Singapore continues to develop and grow in the right direction.

Thank you to everyone who joined us!

With an audience comprised by marketers and data analysts we assembled three groups of very enthusiastic people who worked together with us for 5 dynamics hours filled with great discoveries.

Once again we took our attendees from eye-opening cases to tangible situations having to do with business positioning, consumer modeling, business and consumers in perspective. We then explored formulas and KPIs and finally experienced a discussion on content that made everybody once again see that the essential is more elusive than usually thought.

As our presence solidifies in Singapore, we are very excited to see more people join us and feel grateful for the trust given to our organization.

We wish also everybody best of luck in their upcoming tests and further evaluation toward their first certification!

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