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Tech in Asia


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Here’s a brief introduction to WACA

Our mission is to promote and raise the overall level of the web analytics industry by continuously creating opportunities for people to learn, discuss, and pass on their web analytics knowledge. We aim to create a community through web analytics which will drive business success, research and development, personal career development, and employment opportunities.

Stay in touch

We would like to invite you to stay in touch with us by joining the WACA community on this page for timely updates on our activities in Singapore.

We would also be grateful to have you join our meetup group which is vibrant, interesting and growing at good pace.

Please see below to learn more about what we do. We hope you find us interesting


Web Analytics Certification Program

Simply extracting and analyzing data with buzz(ing) tools such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Webtrends or aggregating with Tableau is only one part of the equation. The second part requires business acumen and being able to drive business results using different tools and frameworks.

In WACA’s Associate Web Analytics Certification program, you’ll learn how to master all the digital marketing tools to improve businesses, not just websites, through data-driven marketing.

Learn more about our Associate Web Analytics Consultant (AWAC) course

Learn more about our Senior Web Analytics Consultant (SWAC) course

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  6. In case you missed it: AWAC Seminar Saturday May 23rd 2015