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[KIT] How to get start being healthy.


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Talking about being healthy always involves two particular things. VEGETABLES and EXERCISING. Healthy is not healthy if those two were not in your daily routines. To start being healthy always involve those two on a day to day basis. When eating always involves a small portion or one or two veggies any type is fine. Subtract your portion of food and replace it with vegetables. This is hard for those of you who really really hate vegetables but this is the barrier to have a better healthier life.  And exercise on a daily basis. This is just a brief intro but to be healthy you actually need a lot more. Change your lifestyle. 

Eat anything from a smaller plate.

If you are overweight or obese this method will help only if you be consistent. Eat from a smaller plate meaning you eat less. The plate looks full but it is not as full as your regular big plate. 

Start consuming some natural sugar. 

If you are someone who loves to drink soft drinks you really need to start. If you continue to consume soft drinks on a daily basis and think that it would fill your sugar level you are wrong. Artificial sugar will only make you unhealthy and satisfied but it’s not helping your body. Start consuming fruit. It is where the natural sugar is. If you are not getting used to eating fruit. You can always start eating small. Consume foods will help your sugar level balance. Help your digestion, help your skin to look brighter and have many more positive effects on your body. You will feel more energetic due to your body sugar level rising. 

Drink more water.

Did you know that water plays a vital role in helping your body process. Without it you would die. Human body was made up of about 70% percent water. Water helps your digestion help your blood to move freely. It helps fight all the toxin in your body and the toxin from the food you consume. It will flush every bad chemical in your body outside. Drinking more water can help you maintain your weight too. Most fitness people will drink up to 4 liter or 5 liter of water everyday this helps their body to look younger and maintain the fluid and weight in their body. 

Avoid eating food that contains fat, instead eat more of the fatty fish. 

When you consume fat you would looks more obese than your weight. Fat is light. Consuming it means putting cholesterol to your body. And you know what cholesterol causes to your body? It blocks the bloodstream in the veins. Causing your blood to flow slower and sometimes blocking it making your body lose connection to some part of the body. People say you consume fat to produce oils between your joints. But the only fat that improves your joint health is the fat from the fish. Fish always move their body. So the fat in their body will also move. Unlike the fat from the animal they are frozen in the body. For example: pigs always sleep and eat and sleep. They never do any activity so the fat in their body will grow to stay frozen. Fat from fish is known to be the healthy fat that helps your body to have healthy joints. 

And  if you are a guy who hates eating fish you can just replace it with a fish oils pill. The fish oil pill is extracted from the fish and known to be healthy for your joints too.

Stay Healthy Folks. Fighting.

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