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5 Questions You Must Ask Before Starting Google Analytics



Hi! This is Atsushi at Web Analytics Consultants Association.

Each web analysis tools have their unique function, regulation, price and analysis method. How should we choose web analysis tools?

There are 5 points to check.

1. Who Is Using It?

This point is the most important.

Is he/she in charge of only the web analysis or in charge of multiple tasks? Is he/she in-house or outsourced? This is not only happening with web analysis tools. It happens with things like CRM, SFA, and accounting software as well. Basically, it is important for the person in charge to select the tools to match their needs. Of course, people who use that need to understand what they are using the tool for.

2. Why use it?

There are various reasons for using tools depending on your business goals.

PPC operation, website management, business model testing, checking of solutions and results done by agencies, disclosure of records like governmental organizations, collecting trends, product planning and so on. Of course, various purposes can overlap.

You should decide based on your specific goals as different analysis tools utilize different methods for different needs (server log analysis, page tagging, or packet sniffing).

3. How much does it cost?

If web analytics is necessary for sales and profit, you may have a larger budget when choosing web analysis tools.

Rather than risking failure with cheap web analytics tools, it’s better to go with the web analysis tool that gets the job done right despite the price.
In addition, even when operating it in-house, it may happen that you outsource web analytics consulting to a web analytics consultant.
You need to choose proper tools by first understanding why and how web analytics tools usage leads to business achievement.

4.What data do you need?

We need to think about which data is important to collect.

What do you need to take for your business succeed? Organization name, ad effects, referral analysis, number of PDF downloads, mobile application analysis. The ease of usage differs by the tool.

If cheap and easy simple analysis tools cannot take collect the necessary data, it wouldn’t make sense.

So far, I’ve talked about “who,why,how much,what”.
You might think “when,where,whom,how” was next, haha.

5. Who are you sharing with?

(Of course, when, where and how to check data is important but , you can tell the contents so far. I’m going to omit talking about them)

We use web analytics in order to achieve business goals. Even if you make a great report and think about great idea, you are not able to obtain the results without actions.

You may work surrounded by web marketing officials, sales, managers, web designers. To whom do you share web analytics information?

The more, the better.

However, time is limited. You need to share web analytics information and solutions by strategically and efficiently dividing people into groups of “weekly”, “monthly”, “yearly” and so on. Let’s share good information and data.

Choosing the right web analysis tools is very important – page tagging method, server log analysis method and packet sniffing method.
Introduction of each access type in each access analysis tool requires some effort. Usually we analyze data in long term so the cost may change.

Make sure not to choose access analysis tools based on price, number of functions or popularity.
Think twice when you choose.
Does it lead to business success?
Does it have necessary functions?
Is it easy for you to use?

You will learn about these important topics and many more in our courses. Our focus is your business achievement.


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