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Fascinating tools: Tableau Online

Why We Love Tableau

Data, data, data.

Data is just about the only thing anyone ever talks about anymore. Everything collects data, and every decision relies on data. No problem. That’s why we all have degrees in probability and statistics, and computer science.

Or maybe you don’t. And that’s why we love Tableau so much.

Tableau allows people of any skill level to analyze and explore any data and share their insights. You can create and share visualizations, reports, and dashboards with your team however you want. At Web Analytics Consultants Association, we put a strong emphasis on communication and transparency with your team members when working with data. We believe true business value and collaboration can only happen when everyone is on the same page.

That’s why Tableau is such a critical tool for us.

Learn how to grow your career and stay ahead of the curve with one of WACA’s workshops and courses (such as AWAC and SWAC). We touch on tools like Tableau and combine them with business frameworks that will help you reach the next level of your career.


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