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Growth Hacking Asia and Web Analytics Crash Course

waca meetup

At WACA, we believe haste makes waste but we also believe in moving with a sense of urgency. So for our crash course in analytics this past week, we made it a point to teach our attendees as much as possible without losing the quality of a slow paced course.

And with 50 people in attendance, this was no easy task but it was a challenge we gladly accepted.


We took our marketing professionals, developers, data analysts, and entrepreneurs through a 2-hour journey of discovery in the world of analytics. Teaching them the common language of analytics, from the very basics of web units and KPIs to business planning and positioning. Of course, since we are dealing with analytics, there were moments heavy on math.


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Overall, our attendees were able to leave the session with a new perception of web analytics. It’s not about the reports and the tools used; it’s about the mindset of the people behind them.

While our full featured seminars are usually much more intense, we were very happy that this short session left people excited about WACA due to the amount of value we were able to deliver in two hours.

Oh, and we also made a few new friends we are sure to meet again 🙂

A big thanks to Growth Hacking Asia for having us and to Silicon Straits for providing the venue for the event!

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