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[KIT] Top 5 software engineering career

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The amount of software engineers has increased exponentially every year as it is considered as one of the most picked careers throughout the century. Many high school students are eager to become a software engineer in the future. Then there’s a dilemma that everybody faces. What is software engineering ? What job would I get as a software engineer ? This article will provide all the details regarding top 5 software engineering careers out there in the world.

1. Data Scientist

  • Data Scientist can be considered as the most in demand career in America for 3 consecutive years already and it is still highly in demand until now. Data scientists revolve around data. It generates various statistics and behavior for all businesses in the business industries using an inestimable amount of data that they got from various sources. 
  • Using statistics and software engineering skills, experts gather, analyze and convert data to collect relevant insights which can boost the organization’s yield. 
  • Data scientist can be considered as one of the hardest careers to pick up as it demands high  intelligence quotient and high logical thinking skill. Data scientists need to be good at coding, mathematics and algorithms in order to be hired by organizations.

2. Cyber security engineer

At the golden age of technology where industry leaders are leading the world to a new revolution, there have been many data breaches occurred throughout the entire world which caused chaos. Server security is essential right now as everything is hosted for the world through a server. Internet of things security has also become essential in every field as nowadays, everywhere consists of connected devices thus making the system vulnerable to exploitation. Cyber security experts are needed everywhere right now by every industry in the world as security is one of the most important aspect when it comes to everything. 

3. Machine learning engineer

  • We have already discussed data science before so now let’s hear about machine learning careers. Machine learning is a subset of data science. Machine learning field is so big that it got separated from data science. Machine learning is one of the core areas of artificial intelligence where embedded computers have the power to grow self-awareness and to stay in self-learning mode without being programmed manually. Still not have a good idea of what machine learning is ? Examples of machine learning include self-driving cars, cooking robots, cyber fraud detection, license plate detection and the recommendation that you get when you use facebook and youtube all use machine learning. Machine learning engineers can also retrieve valuable data after analyzing web search results, real-time ads and image recognition.

4. Full stack developer

  • Here comes the big one! Full stack developer right now is probably one of the most picked careers in the software engineering industry and it is also highly in demand as well.

5. Python developer

  • We have already discussed machine learning and data science so do you guys know what programming language to use in order to be involved in those 2 fields ? I can answer that for you guys ! Python is the most used language in the data science field as it is flexible, easy to learn and has a large developer community around to help.

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