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[KIT] Top 5 tech stack for web developer

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For web developers, in order to build a complete web application, both the frontend and backend needed to be built and work properly else the web application will collapse sooner or later. The frontend and backend needed to be compatible with each other. There are many programming languages out there to use for frontend and backend and similarly, many frameworks exist out there as well. Picking one for frontend and one for backend and both of them needed to be compatible with each other requires a lot of research so this article might be able to save you all those efforts.

1. The MEAN stacks

– The MEAN stacks consist of MongoDB, Express js, Angular js and Node js. It is one of the currently most popular technology stacks in 2020. MEAN stack is recommended as the whole stack consists of one main language and that is Javascript. Using one language throughout the technology stack can help save a lot of times and any modification is also easy to do. MEAN stack is perfect for cloud hosting as it is flexible and scalable.

2. The MERN stacks

– MERN stack consists of MongoDB, Express js, React js and Node js. The reason we use react instead of angular is because React has a virtual document object model which is an important factor to consider when you want to think about the performance of your web application. One more reason is that React uses JSX which enables seamless component work. It is good for building single page applications while considering performance in mind. It is one of the most used technology stacks currently and is also one of the most recommended stacks also.

3. The MEVN stacks

  • The same as Angular got replaced with React, this time React is replaced with Vue js which is one of the most popular framework in 2020. Vue js is a lightweight solution compared to Angular. It is estimated that Vue js will be the number 1 used javascript framework for frontend in later years. Why use Vue js instead of React js ? Well, Vue js combines the best features of Angular and React to give great performance and a set of tools to use.

4. The LAMP stack

  •   LAMP stack can be considered as an old technology stack as it has been there for a long time and is time-tested technology stacks. LAMP stacks consist of Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. LAMP stack is praised for its simplicity and its power. It is also used for its stability as well. It is extremely efficient for handling an application where new pages are loaded often ( dynamic web pages ) . It is open source and you can even choose components based on your specific business requirements. It doesn’t has to be on the Linux environment as you can change the stack to WAMP which replaces Linux environment with window environment.

5. The serverless stack

  • Now it is 2020 so its time to consider building everything with cloud infrastructure in mind, to put it in a simple way, go serverless. Serverless cloud computing provides all the tools and apis that are needed in order to help managing infrastructure easier.

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