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Web Analytics Wednesday Singapore

Web Analytics Wednesday Singapore 01

We had a fantastically enjoyable time on the stage of Web Analytics Wednesdays Singapore for the February 11th 2015 edition. We were excited to share our multi-channel marketing case from Japan in front of nearly 70 digital enthusiasts.

The night started with a presentation from Google that set the tone for further discoveries in the field of measurable indicators. Later, all attendees were confronted with a lively discussion on the rebranding of Web Analytics Wednesdays to Digital Analytics Wednesdays. At that point, we knew we had a clear case to WOW our audience.


Web Analytics Wednesday Singapore

We spoke about what Analytics can do without covering the obvious concepts a room filled with experts most definitely knew. We took our audiences on a journey of discovery and showed them what a coherent marketing campaign can return in terms of sustained, measurable results as opposed to isolated tactics that sometimes seem to be the norm in advertising.

Our impressed audience was delighted to see the kind of results this type of campaign can return when every step of the consumer journey is conceived under the light of measurable results for specific purposes across the whole media spectrum.

We look forward to remaining in touch with Web (Digital) Analytics Wednesdays as our activities in Singapore develop further.

A big THANK YOU again to all who joined us.

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