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[Book Review 2] Complete guide of Google Analytics access analysis

Hi, I am Web Analytics Master Kosaka.

Thank you for so many applications for the seminar I held with fellow Web Analytics Master, Minagawa, on 4th July.

The seminar was to recognize Mr. Minagawa, who published the book “The techniques to persuade with Google Analytics”.

Thank you to you all for your participation.

I’ve read this book so I will write a book review too.

Chika Ishikawa from Anything LTD. also wrote a book review so please check it out too.

Access Analytics is placed in the middle.

It is important to do SEO, operate the ad listing advertisement, etc. and renew your website but if you are not used to using it, there are 3 points you will get stuck on

-Too much crosswise writing with difficult to understand words
-You don’t know how to use the screen.
-You don’t understand how to maximize the flow of investment.

The book covers all these 3 points very clearly.

First, there is a story about “Why is it beneficial to use Access Analytic?” The main point here is to prepare in advance.

You can understand all the most important aspects of web analytics from the glossary and the function descriptions which will help you get the most from the course.
The content is for beginners but it outlines very useful techniques to have when you leverage with a purpose.

The book also contains useful information about:

-Secondary information
-Alerts and reports
-Event etc.

This book is useful to both those who are new to the Web analytics Consultant course and those who are already familiar with it.

Rakuten Books: http://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/12789946/

Amazon: http://goo.gl/l7oIrN


Lastly, the beginner’s web analytics course is going to be held by Mr Minagawa in Utsunomiya !

Course 5th Oct, Exam 25th Oct

It will be a good chance to talk to Mr Minagawa so if you are thinking about learning web analytics, we welcome you to join us!


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