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[KIT] How to write a good article

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Writing articles has been very common since long ago. However, writing a good article is still a major problem that many face. If you’re of those who are currently facing these difficulties right now then this article is just for you. Please note that this article is written based on experience so this might only work for me or only some might for you or all might be working for you because looks like we’re the same. Let’s get to the article.

The first step in writing a good article is to brainstorm before you actually write the article. Listing ideas is very important as it helps to gather all the ideas in a place where you can see it less you will lose the idea once you forget about it. So everytime, you have an idea in mind no matter what under circumstances, note it down on a paper or note it down in a document on your computer. That day, when you’re really starting writing, you have everything ready to start.

The second thing to do in order to write a great article is to get rid of all disturbances. Complete focus is necessary as writing articles require a lot of mentality because we have to care about how to present our idea in a way that people can understand it easily, about grammatical mistakes and our paragraph or essay length as long text is not really advisable. So before writing an article, do make sure that the place that you’re writing at is silence and has no visual objects that can distract you from focusing on writing your articles.

The third thing is advisable to do is keep your writing simple. Writing it in a simple way is essential for every article and also is the hardest thing to accomplish too. By simple I mean the article is easy to read with the minimum possible length and the meaning behind each sentence can be grasped easily. The structure of the article is clearly defined and each main point is laid in front of the reader. All of these steps are not easy to achieve but it is achievable, in fact, many people have already reached that level, commitment and hard work will lead you there too.

The fourth thing is to provide a solid backup from every point in your article. Now evidence is essential because there is a lot of fake news out there and evidence is the only thing that can differentiate your article from fake articles that exist out there. If your article got statistics then provide the source where did you get the number from, if there are news then provide the source for the news too.

The final step is revision. After finishing writing an article, always read the article that you wrote and make improvements to it. Hardly there is no error in your article so always look for it after you finish writing it and correct the mistakes. After the first revision, read your revision again and repeat until you can not find any more mistakes in your article. That is an extremely good practice.

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