



Attrition rate

In general, the number of exits is determined on a page-by-page basis, and refers to the number of page views that resulted in the last exit from that page. The denominator for dropout rate varies by tool and is also different for UA and GA4. In the case of UA, it is the ratio of the number of page views to the number of exits on the relevant page. Note that it is calculated in pageviews.
Exit rate (%) = Number of exits ÷ Number of page views × 100
If the page with a high exit rate is a page that people will eventually reach (such as a page that completes a request for materials), there may be no problem, but if the exit rate is high on a page that you don’t want people to exit from, it may be necessary to improve the flow of information within the site. It needs to be reviewed and improved.
For example, if page A has 10 users, 15 sessions, 20 page views, and 18 exits, then page A’s exit rate is 90%.

For GA4, calculate using the following formula.

Withdrawal rate (%) = Number of withdrawals ÷ Number of sessions x 100

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